Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cauliflower and Blackberries

Well, it's been a long time since I've blogged about our foodie project, but that does NOT mean we haven't been continuing it. It's been hard to continue to write about each new food, but we've actually kept up with the project exactly on track. We've done things slightly out of order, which bugs me, but we're doing a good job keeping up. We still haven't tried apricots - not in season - but we haven't forgotten about them!

On our cauliflower week, we integrated this vegetable into a Hungry Girl mac 'n cheese recipe. I cut up bits of cauliflower and tossed it in with some whole wheat pasta and Laughing Cow cheese bits. It was actually very good; I even took left-overs to work for lunch the next day. During the same week, we also cut up fresh cauliflower with some other veggies and oven-cooked them. They're actually very good. I'd still not eat them raw - as you often see them served on veggie plates with broccoli I wouldn't eat raw either, but overall, I will add cauliflower to my list of "Likes!"

. . . and then there were blackberries. . . definite "dislike!" If you know me well, you know my mouth is extremely sensitive to any texture. My tongue is notorious for finding any little seed - known to try to hide in the crevices of my teeth or around my tongue. I HATE that. So, if you know blackberries, you know how many seeds are filled in each little bubble! While I didn't dislike the taste of the blackberry, I could NEVER see myself eating these again due to the frustration I felt finding seed after seed in my mouth.

Coming up next: brussel sprouts and blueberries!

1 comment:

  1. We did the HG cauliflower mac and cheese too last week! WE LOVED IT!! THe next day, I added broccoli and some chicken...EVEN better!!!! =)
