Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Artichokes and Apples

Week 1 of our Veggie/Fruit Challenge: Artichokes/Apples

I'll start with the apple since that's much easier to explain. First of all, no research necessary, as we are pretty good apple-eaters. In fact, I eat an apple every day at lunch during the work week. Since we're already accustomed to eating Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji, Gala, and Honey Crisp apples, we went with a new one neither of us has tried: Braeburn. You can see what they look like in this first picture. We ate it for dessert tonight, as it is sweet and tart at the same time, and we agree we'd both eat it again!

The artichokes are a different story - not surprising since neither of us had ever selected or prepared this vegetable. I actually had to spend quite a while researching what to look for when you buy an artichoke (heavy, firm, green, compact center leaves), how to prepare it, and how to eat it! I learned a lot... a difficult way to start our challenge, but probably a good introduction to what we've gotten ourselves into! Artichokes must be prepared a certain way: wash them and gently scrub the leaves, clip the leaf ends off with kitchen shears, cut off the bottom stem and the top of the vegetable, rub with a lemon to keep the ends from browning, boil in salted water for 25-30 minutes (increasing the time for larger artichokes), drain the artichoke upside down, let cool. I learned you can't eat the whole leaf, either. To eat the artichoke, you must gently pull each petal off, dip the base of the petal in whatever sauce you'd like (we used a lemon butter sauce), then slowly pull the petal through slightly clinched teeth to remove the soft flesh at the bottom of the petal. Then, you discard the remainder of the petal. Finally, you arrive at the heart of the choke. This part you can fully eat; it's also the part most people are familiar with and often cook with.

Sam and I were not thrilled about artichokes. We felt it was a lot of preparation for very little "meat" on each petal. The heart was "eh," and we can always buy canned artichoke hearts if we want to cook with them. However, Sam didn't care much for the heart's consistency/texture, so we probably won't cook with them. I'm glad we tried them, but I'm also glad we are done with them! :)

On another note, we did try another whole-grain tonight with our southwestern turkey meatloaf (a recipe from our friend, Gretchen; YUM!). We tried millet, a very bland whole grain that looks very similar to cous-cous. We added the tiniest bit of butter and salt (as you would in rice) to add some flavor. It was pretty good! Like the quinoa Sam wrote about last night, we ate this grain completely by itself, as opposed to pairing it with vegetables, a meat, or any other recipe. If you like rice, you would like both of these grains - and they're a lot better for you!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quinoa what?...That was pretty darn good!

Well...this whole "heretofore unknown food" thing can be quite delicious! Tonight, Amber and I had a great meal...kind of like dipping your foot in the pool and discovering that it's the perfect temperature. The most surprising dish was a wonderful whole-grain called "Quinoa" (kwi-no-uh). Quinoa comes from the Andean region of South America, and must be shipped with a whole lot of awesome packed in with it. It's similar to rice, if you can imagine a grain of rice cut into about 5 little balls, with the consistency of a half-boiled noodle. The texture was amazing: a seemingly light food with a very satisfying feeling out of every bite. Also, once we let the Quinoa cool down while we finished the rest of dinner, it really developed a unique, almost nutty flavor, even if only a hint of it. Am & I both agreed that Quinoa holds many possibilities - we look forward to adding it to many meals, both as a side and a main ingredient.

The rest of the meal was also delicious. Amber made Tuscan Pot Pie, with grass-fed beef and cannellini beans. The grass-fed beef was, well, beef (which is to say, it was scrumptious). The cannellini beans were interesting and flavorful. I must say, they're not the most sightly of beans, but they absorbed the pasta sauce quite nicely. Am topped off the meal with some fresh sauteed veggies (broccoli, sugar snap peas, sprouts, zucchini, and mushrooms). MMMMMMMM.

It was a great meal...not too risky of a way to start our new and improved palate, but certainly rewarding both with flavor and satisfaction. I can't wait to see what mother nature has in store for us next...

Monday, March 15, 2010

What Happened to Our Chocolate Chip Cookies?

As a supplement to my previously-started blog (, Sam and I wanted to start another blog specifically designed to document our way through a new goal we have for ourselves: to buy, prepare, and taste every vegetable and fruit sold at our local fresh food markets. Yes, we are inspired by the recent movie Julie & Julia where the young Julie cooks her way through Julia Child's famous cookbook and blogs about her experiences with the recipes. However, this blog and, more importantly, this goal are triggered more by the desire to be better eaters - healthier eaters. We recently bought the book entitled Food Rules by Michael Pollan and had some epiphanies even before reading the book. Our main goal is to get back to basics - back to our roots. Basically, we want to remember why humans eat (to survive!) by eating more plants, more whole grains...more intelligently.

When we started dating, as many couples do, we indulged in the fun, cuddly nights together without a care for calories, fat, carbs, or any other "no-no" foods. Our favorite treat became baking chocolate chip cookies (including a few sneak tastes of the dough) while hanging out on the couch snuggled up together. YUM! But, those days are over (well, not the snuggling) - as our bodies no longer have the metabolisms that they once did (even if that was already lower than we wanted in the first place!). So, we have a new mission: ditch the crap our ancestors would not have been able to enjoy and eat foods that are created by nature and not by test-tubes, big machines, or engineered chemicals.

In order to fulfill this goal, we have a unique challenge for ourselves - one we have decided to blog about in order to help force ourselves to be true to the plan! So, without further delay, starting this week, we will learn how to select, store, prepare, and taste every vegetable and fruit we can get our hands on. So far, this is our list, which can also be broken down into other subcatetories (like kale under leafy greens and hubbard under winter squash). . . I know we will add to it as time goes on:

Bell Peppers
Broccoli, Cauliflower
Brussels Sprouts
Chile Peppers
Fresh Beans
Leafy Greens
Onions, Shallots
Summer Squash
Sweet Potatoes, Yams
Winter Squash


Some of these (many of them) we already eat regularly, so this challenge may have its very easy weeks, and then again, it will have its very difficult weeks (as my stomach does not tolerate onions well at all!). But, a challenge is a challenge - so starting this week, we're trying artichokes and apples (not together of course, unless we get some really weird recipes). Here's to hoping this challenge makes us better, healthier eaters and not asking ourselves, "What happened to our chocolate chip cookies?"